Top 4 Candle Making Problems

top 4 candle making problems

Candle making is a creative and rewarding craft, but even experienced candle makers encounter challenges along the way. From wet spots to tunneling, frosting, and mushrooming, these common problems can affect the appearance and burn quality of your candles. In this guide, we'll delve into each issue and provide practical solutions to help you overcome them.


Wet spots

Wet spots occur when the wax pulls away from the sides of the container as it cools, leaving a visible gap that resembles a wet area. Rapid temperature changes during cooling can lead to poor wax adhesion, causing the wax to pull away from the sides of the container. 


  • Preheat Containers: Warm your containers slightly before pouring to minimize temperature differences.
  • Double pour method: Pour the initial layer, let it cool slightly, and then pour a second layer to fill in any gaps.
  • Heat gun: Gently use a heat gun to re-adhere the wax to the sides of the container.



Tunneling occurs when a candle burns down the center, leaving unburned wax along the sides. Incorrect wick size, short burn times, and poor-quality wax can contribute to tunneling. 


  • Choose the right wick: Match the wick size to the diameters of your candle for an even burn.
  • Proper burn Times: Allow candles to burn long enough for the entire top layer to melt during each use.
  • Trim Wicks: Trim wicks to about 1/4 inch before each burn to maintain an even flame.



Frosting appears as a white, crystalline layer on the surface of natural soy wax candles. Rapid cooling during the curing process can cause the wax to contract and create a frosty appearance.


  • Consistent cooling: Allow candles to cool at a consistent room temperature to reduce temperature fluctuations.



Mushrooming occurs when the tip of the wick forms a carbon buildup resembling a mushroom after burning. Using wicks that are too large, excessive fragrance usage, and poor burn habits can lead to mushrooming.


  • Right wick size: Select the correct wick size for your candle's diameter and wax type.
  • Trimming wicks: Trim wicks to about 1/4 inch before each burn to prevent carbon buildup.
  • Moderate fragrance: Avoid using excessive fragrance as it can contribute to mushrooming.


By understanding these common candle-making problems and their causes, you'll be better equipped to create candles that burn beautifully. Remember that experimentation, attention to details, and a willingness to learn are key to be successful as a candle maker. Keep records of your experiments and don't hesitate to seek advice from fellow enthusiasts or online communities!


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